18 September 2008

Reading Assignment No. 2/ Blog Assignment No. 4

Reading Assignment No. 2
Publication Design Workbook, pp 33–48

Blog Assignment No. 4
Find a book that is the same format as the series you are designing, or very close (5 x 8; 6 x 9, etc.), and contains a similar style of content – a biography, for example. Tell us the title, author, publisher, publication date and ISBN. Analyze the typography and address the following questions in your blog post. Use images to illustrate your findings.

  • Typeface/ What is the typeface and why do you think it was chosen? Is it appropriate? Refer to the Book Design project handout for a refresher on the issues that influence the selection of a typeface.

  • Type size/ Using the scale on page 36 in Publication Design Workbook, give an educated estimate of the size of the type used.

  • Interline space, or leading/ Looking at page 39 in Publication Design Workbook, which example most closely resembles the text setting of the book you are examining?

  • Indent/ If the paragraphs are articulated using an indent, how deep does it appear to be? Is there a relationship to the size of the type or the leading?

  • Line length/ How many words per line, on average? Is it comfortable to read?

Now, compare the book series you are designing. How do your design decisions compare?

1 comment:

Spencer Whittington-Charles said...

Hey Dave, were we going to have another blog assignment for this week?