31 August 2008

Blog Assignment No. 1

Using Blogger (a hosted software package), set up a blog specific to the purposes of this class. Your blog should follow these parameters:

  • Use the default layout template, called Minima

  • Add the My Blog List gadget

  • Create a 660 pixel wide by 100 pixel tall graphic header and apply it in place of the default text header. The header at the top of this blog is a visual example of the specified dimensions.

Once your blog is set up
Write a post in which you define publication design. Add a link in your post to a well-designed text based (e.g. not Flickr or YouTube) publication. Discuss and defend your opinion. Why do you think the publication is an example of good design?

Experiment with the default post settings. Change the colors of the headers, body text, the styling of the comments. Try changing the fonts. Consider the relationship of the fonts, colors and layout to the graphic header you have created.

Send me an email with a link to your new blog. I will compile a list of links and send a group email to the class. You will add each classmates blog to your My Blog List.

Content Overview

This class is concerned with publication design. Readings, discussions, exercises and projects will examine the history, terminology and technology related to publication design, typography and visual communication.

Course Objectives

Click here to download a PDF copy of the syllabus.

Upon successful completion of this course a student will be able to demonstrate:

  • Knowledge of the historical development and contemporary issues of publication design

  • Comprehension of typographic/publication/visual communication terminology

  • Application of technology related to typography, publication design and visual communication

  • Synthesis of visual skills

  • Critical evaluation of composition for the purpose of communication

Required Text
Please bring with you to class on September 8, 2008
Publication Design Workbook
by Timothy Samara